Monday, April 7, 2008


Kindergarten Blues!

Logan brought his report card home on Friday and I have to say his teacher really ticks me off! He is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. His teacher is pure evil (He was having a hard time in the beginning of the year getting his coat on by himself and she told him, "I can't dress you every day". What Kindergarten teacher says that?). Logan is a little shy, but very smart. Not to brag but he has been reading since he was 4 years old. His dingbat teacher writes on his report card that he has trouble with the short a sound as well as, other letters. He also has trouble with the number 0-20. Huh?! As I write this, he is reading a chapter book. How could he do that if he doesn't know his letters? And yesterday, he was playing Monopoly and counting money. And if there really was a problem, why am I just hearing about it now? I truly can not wait until this year is over. Ok, rant over.
Here's my HSMS photo of the day.
Lever - A bar resting on a pivot used to help move a heavy load.

I had to cheat on this one. I couldn't think of anything to take a pic of around here. This photo is a few years old of my hubby & Logan at the park.


Zoe said...

Great shot, glad to see I'm not the only one with a hubby whose just a big kid!! :)

Aubrey Harns said...

Terrific shot!

AfriDigiDiva said...

Teachers are the main reason we homeschooled. Schools being the second reason.
Love the teetertoter shot! They've all been removed here because of "safety concerns". A bunch of wimps!

Hazel said...

Great idea for lever - lovely photo.