Tuesday, April 15, 2008


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Today's HSMS photo is for window - An opening in a buildings filled with glass.
Here's my shot:

I tell my son I want to take his picture and he asks, "Why are you torturing me?" Does anyone else get this? They just don't get it. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm a little loopy for snapping shots of my son hanging out the window. Especially, since I was in my pajamas. LOL


All of my Todays said...

Tell your son he is not alone as I regularly torture my boys too. Love the shot it was worth torturing him for. x

DawnMarch said...

I love the window photo (and I can't tell he's in his pjs!)

Emma said...

That is so funny I would have loved to see you in your jammies taking a pic of your son!! My only photo subject now since my children are grown is my dog and she doesn't talk back, lol!

Justino said...

It sees what the boy? This photograph imagines and it makes.

AM said...

great photo!!!!

Hazel said...

LoL! good shot!

movefearlessly said...

ha - that's hilarious! yeah, my kids complain too. great photo though!!

Jolanda said...

Great take on the word.

Sue said...

And it won't get any easier BUT the children do learn to accept that it's easiest to just get on with it :-) They know you won't give up until you get the shot!!

Love his hair :-) Does he?

This is a super shot and do you know why? Because I am desperate to see the rest of your house :-) You have shutters? And what is that wood below the window? Looks a house with lots of character :-)


sanchesginger@gmail.com said...

Probably, your coupons have to be nice for sellers. And I have an expectation that your son wasn't torturing a lot, because it can be dangerous for him. Even more, the custom writing brings dire consequences to us. Anyway, thanks for announcement.